she's losing it!

October 31, 2005

if you promise to stay conscious i will try to do the same

Still hooked on Bright Eyes. He's awesome. But he makes me want to sit at Café Vinyl with a black coffee and a cigarette in my hand, wearing a black turtleneck and new, black, converse and slim jeans and you know. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I've done it a million times before and I'll probably never stop. But seriouly, check out the names of the Bright Eyes songs in my playlist:

False Advertising
First Day of My Life
Haligh, Haligh, A Lie, Haligh
Lover I Don't Have to Love
Method Acting
No Lies, Just Love
Oh, You Are the Roots That Sleep Beneath My Feet and Hold the Earth In Place
Old Soul Song (For The New World Order)
Poison Oak
Ship In A Bottle
Take It Easy (Love Nothing)
We Are Nowhere, And It's Now

They're very... Very... Very emo. I like it!

So. No school this week. Boo-hoo. Still, I should be studying as we speak.

Nah, I'll just keep on listening to Conor and chatting to my internet peeps. BUT I'm meeting up with "real" people tomorrow, though. I do have a life. I swear.

October 27, 2005

you look skinny like a model if your eyes are painted black

I love him. I want to bear his child. It's true.
I wish he'd stumble across this website and start loving me back.
So. Today's Thursday (I think) and it's been boring again. Surprise! I need some serious change in my daily routine. It goes like this:
Way too early: wake up, push the snooze button three times, get up, drink coffee, watch the morning news, get pissed, get ready for school, bike to school listening to music that is too loud.
School: boring. I have classes. Classes are boring. Classes involve note-taking and running around with books between rooms and classes and my tiny little locker.
Lunch: Yes. Not so boring, I'm usually with friends here. And oh yeah - free food.
School (agin omg!): The afternoon is extremely boring. Here is where I need old, cold, burnt coffee for 5 kr from the arab at the corner. Don't tell him I call him the arab at the corner.
Evening: Usually spent on MSN, unless I have to go to dance class or study a whole lot. Haha, who am I kidding, I'm always on MSN, whether I have to learn the Bible by heart for the next day or not.
Late evening (after 10 PM): This is when I start studying. Pretty bad system, I know. And oh yeah, the studying doesn't commence before I've danced around in my room a little, played with the cat and picked an outfit for the next day. After some studying (as little as possible), I go to sleep at between 11.30 and 3. Awesome.
In conclusion: My life is boring. Hi. Bye.

October 25, 2005

i suck

and you suck too.

October 24, 2005


Oh, it was great. Just what I needed.

Friday night was spent with Grrblt, Josefine, Kajsa and her friend Matthias. We went to two pretty nasty bars but hey. It was fun. After that, we took the tram to Kajsas friend's Anders' house and drank some wine and stuff. Quite nice. We didn't go to sleep until about 3 A.M. which was a pretty bad thing, since we were supposed to go to the forest outside Gothenburg at 11 the following day. But we managed, somehow.

Tha party on Saturday was great. Held at Rich Susanna's, in a huge boathouse in the Gothenburg archipelago, we started off by singing some German schnaps-songs and drinking a helluvalot of Jägermeister (yeuch), apple licquer (yum) and beer/cider. After my third (fourth?) shot I started feeling nauseous, but to throw up before Ian had even gotten there would have been nothing but embarassing. Uh... throwing up after he'd come there would've been pretty embarassing too, but you know what I mean.

So... he was like three hours late but he had a decent excuse, so I'm okay. We hung out for most of the night and it was a lot of fun. I kind of like him, yeah. And if he could just reply to the darned text message I sent yesterday, I'd be happy. If he doesn't, I'm just going to assume he's gay. The easy way out. Or something.

Might post some party pics here later. If I look good in them. Bye, my widdle darlings!

October 16, 2005

Pass the ice

Last night was spent at the Bosian club. No, I didn't chill with old ladies like the one that used to be on the yoghurt cartons. Ylva's class has this exchange thing with some French students, and the party yesterday was sort of for them. Ell and I were there as friends of Ylva, which meant we knew like 4 people out of the 70 that were there. However, the cocktails and th beer solved that problem. The ultimate proof of that was when I got involved in a round of "pass the ice". If you don't know what this is, just use your imagination.

That's right. Felt kind of "fjortis" - but in the most amusing way. (Fjortis is a person around the age of 14 with a lot of make-up, a strong urge to be loud and the aim of making out with as many people as possible during one party.)

Anyway... The essence of this blog entry was supposed to be a little tip, a trick, from all of us to all of you. Okay, goes like this: if you are hungover and you know it, and you've been sitting on your bed reading a free magazine you grabbed from a cafe last week, and all of a sudden Koka-kola Veins comes on the radio - please don't dance. I can guarantee that while you're dancing, you will feel the sudden urge to rid yourself of whichever remainders of alcohol that may be dwelling somewhere in your stomach. Not great. But hey. It's alright now.

October 11, 2005

Tuesdays suck. In general.

Hello, blogreader! It's time for an update.

Tuesdays do suck. A lot. And that's because I have classes all day long, and dance rehearsal after my last class. Dancing is fun, but nevertheless, the day is long.

Yesterday I learnt a new word in French: vraisemblable. I don't know why, but I like it. Maybe because it sounds super-French. We're doing these debate thingies in French class now, where two people debate about stupid things in front of the class. In French, of course. Everyone sucks, but that's okay. The topics are real silly, though: countryside vs. city, milk vs. coca cola and such. I'm debating pro-coffee and con-tea, an excellent topic since I am somewhat of a coffee addict but also, what I guess could be called a tea amateur. My strongest argument is the fact that a café is called a café and not a tea. That sort of shows the level of our debates. Very childish and containing quite a lot of improvisation, but still, they're kind of funny.

So. Ian is coming to the party next weekend. There was some confusion about that - for a while I though he was going to Malmö to surf all of that weekend. Turns out, that might happen this weekend instead. Interesting. Yeah, I'm psyched. Not so nervous yet, but excited, so excited. It's not only going to be great to party, and party with Ian, but to party in Gothenburg. I like that town.

More good stuff: I got a 7 on my comparative commentary. I compared a Bruce Springsteen lyric with an ad for a gated community in Florida. Some people might call my 854 words pure bullshit, but I enjoy extracting themes from two entirely different texts and contrasting/comparing them. I like that. Is there a job called Comparative Commentator? PLEASE let me know. I need to know what to do after graduation.

Speaking of graduation, we tried on our white widdle hats yesterday! I'm a size 58. So cool.

October 04, 2005

Why isn't life like one big MSN conversation? I'd happily give up on the physical stuff, the nuances in tones and the body language if I could have a message log.

At lunch today I saw a cute boy. That doesn't happen a lot around this school. Oh! Oh! People whio have seen this year's class picture say I look great. So exciting to see the yearbook! AT LAST a picture where I look good, and just so happens it's the last one. Ever. I went out with a bang! Wow, I'm shallow.


Spoke to Ian last night. After what I guess could be described as some confusion, he called me and we spoke for like 20 minutes. And then I lied and said I have to go. What's that about? I want to talk to him. And I think he wanted to talk to me too, but I like pushed him away. And oh, I've noticed that I do stuff like this a lot. I mean, I'm chatting to a random person on the Internet and I put him or her in a situation where they have to insult me to come out of it all with at least some pride. I suck. And now I have to go. Bye.