Tuesdays suck. In general.
Hello, blogreader! It's time for an update.
Tuesdays do suck. A lot. And that's because I have classes all day long, and dance rehearsal after my last class. Dancing is fun, but nevertheless, the day is long.
Yesterday I learnt a new word in French: vraisemblable. I don't know why, but I like it. Maybe because it sounds super-French. We're doing these debate thingies in French class now, where two people debate about stupid things in front of the class. In French, of course. Everyone sucks, but that's okay. The topics are real silly, though: countryside vs. city, milk vs. coca cola and such. I'm debating pro-coffee and con-tea, an excellent topic since I am somewhat of a coffee addict but also, what I guess could be called a tea amateur. My strongest argument is the fact that a café is called a café and not a tea. That sort of shows the level of our debates. Very childish and containing quite a lot of improvisation, but still, they're kind of funny.
So. Ian is coming to the party next weekend. There was some confusion about that - for a while I though he was going to Malmö to surf all of that weekend. Turns out, that might happen this weekend instead. Interesting. Yeah, I'm psyched. Not so nervous yet, but excited, so excited. It's not only going to be great to party, and party with Ian, but to party in Gothenburg. I like that town.
More good stuff: I got a 7 on my comparative commentary. I compared a Bruce Springsteen lyric with an ad for a gated community in Florida. Some people might call my 854 words pure bullshit, but I enjoy extracting themes from two entirely different texts and contrasting/comparing them. I like that. Is there a job called Comparative Commentator? PLEASE let me know. I need to know what to do after graduation.
Speaking of graduation, we tried on our white widdle hats yesterday! I'm a size 58. So cool.

"Hello, blogreader! It's time for an update." word. is it ever not the time for updates?
that jan guy sounds nice. go get him for great justice. you know you wanna, and you are righteous. anyone else who is out to get him is very weak, you will defeat them now.
i just had to comment once more.
...why? because my word verification is pyopynky.
it not only is an extremely cool wordver, but it also sounds like it could be someone's first name in harry potter.
i <3 grrblt's comment
s! commentS!
wordver: aholcwb. alcoholic warner bros? omg! (that's all, folks etc)
what's up, duck?
uh, i dont know what to answer to that.
funnily enough, they never do in the shows either. "what's up, duck" is the end-all-argument phrase. except for Ramsan of course.
i h9 ramsan. it's stupid and chauvinist.
that's cause you always lose. if you'd start using to more often, you would learn to appreciate it.
chauvinist? wtf?
I've got drxuq. It's like LSD, only not.
I say you should go for Ian the Man too. I've always said this. Mainly because I want to be a bridesmaid. No, actually, mainly because I want to be in charge of hiring male strippers for your bachelorette party. I mean, really, can we say hand picked?
And OMG I have ordered my hat too. I'm a wimpy size 57 - and that's with room for my big hair included. I need a bigger brain.
Also, 37 until premiere of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.
1) Dan Radcliffe is now sixteen. Which makes certain things less weird. (connectthedots)
2) Cedric Diggory is played by Robert 'Iamtallandgorgeouslyshaggy' Pattinson.
3) Viktor Krum is stupidly hotter in the movies than what i imagined him to be.
4) Ron Weasley has long and foppish hair.
5) Two words: Weasley Twins.
6) Second task of Triwizard Tournament includes getting wet. Nuff said.
That would be all.
I mean 37 days, of course.
var det inte för bara en månad sen som du sa att du inte brydde dig ett dugg om harry potter? jo, jag tror det.
Hermione is shaping up. In both senses of the word. She is also getting wet in aforementioned second task of the triwizard tournament. But only in one sense of the word.
Sa jag visserligen. Men jag läste 1-5 megasnabbt och nu är jag hooked.
Hermione är okej. Men det är mer spizass i Ginny.
ginny är way cooler (särskilt i sexan (spoiler alert!)) men inte lika tjusy. åtminstone inte vad jag minns, det var en bra bit sen jag såg filmerna.
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