Mmm, beer.

Tonight I'll be working at Indigo, the nation's weekly nightclub. The Legends are playing, and the girls from Tokyo Rose (who usually hang out in the basement of Retro) are DJ:ing. I hope it will be fun.
Okay, and embarassing and not-very-important aspect of tonight BUT:
This summer I met a guy, let's call him French Fries. It was very casual, we met at a concert at KB and went out to "rökrutan" for some canoodling. I remember I made fun of him for having fashionably white sneakers and a striped shirt with one of those pop-girl-buttons on it. The button said "Television Personalities". Educated by ZTV's "Recommended by the Music Editors", I impressed on French Fries by namedropping their pretty shitty song All the young children on crack. Fine, fine. I remember he told me where he lived (Lund) and what he did (studied philosophy), but not much more than that... Except for him asking me to spend the night with him, but fortunately we were leaving then so I could excuse myself. Yeah, yeah, so, guess whom I meet through a party-acquaintaince (you know, the people who seem so nice and friendly after 6-8 beers that you just have to exchange phone numbers) last week? That's right, mister Fries himself. Since he's called French Fries, I figured it had to be the same guy. French Fries is a rather unusual name. Why does it have to be so strange, meeting people who want to sleep with you? I guess I should have been proud or something, but...
Due to the FabFall-concept, I had to ask him if he remembered me, which he did. Also, it turns out that he's the ex-boyfriend of my party-acquaintance. To top the whole thing off, he was very touchy feely. It was embarassing, very embarassing. "Almost-pass-out"-embarassing.
Thank God for FabFall, people! Seriously, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So, you ask yourselves, what does this slightly amusing yet mostly useless piece of information have to do with your current life, Natalie? Well, The Legends are evidently strongly influenced by Television Personalities. So, French Fries will be there tonight aswell. Lecille will laugh. I will die a slow death.
Good thing I get paid in beer.
"Lecille will laugh."
Now why'd you think that?
(Oh I will laugh alright. I will laugh until I piddle my pants. Oh yes.)
haha, i will laugh too, you know. just as you did while watching my varan-tv-video and reading my crazy blog! ;)
love ya babe
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