she's losing it!

October 16, 2005

Pass the ice

Last night was spent at the Bosian club. No, I didn't chill with old ladies like the one that used to be on the yoghurt cartons. Ylva's class has this exchange thing with some French students, and the party yesterday was sort of for them. Ell and I were there as friends of Ylva, which meant we knew like 4 people out of the 70 that were there. However, the cocktails and th beer solved that problem. The ultimate proof of that was when I got involved in a round of "pass the ice". If you don't know what this is, just use your imagination.

That's right. Felt kind of "fjortis" - but in the most amusing way. (Fjortis is a person around the age of 14 with a lot of make-up, a strong urge to be loud and the aim of making out with as many people as possible during one party.)

Anyway... The essence of this blog entry was supposed to be a little tip, a trick, from all of us to all of you. Okay, goes like this: if you are hungover and you know it, and you've been sitting on your bed reading a free magazine you grabbed from a cafe last week, and all of a sudden Koka-kola Veins comes on the radio - please don't dance. I can guarantee that while you're dancing, you will feel the sudden urge to rid yourself of whichever remainders of alcohol that may be dwelling somewhere in your stomach. Not great. But hey. It's alright now.


Blogger Grrblt said...

how about dancing to Dr Feelgood?


Blogger Natalie said...

dunno, ill try that next weekend.


Blogger Grrblt said...

you do that. and try not to snog any avis-triggering chicks. it destwoys my selfförtroende even more (not really)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

... French guys talked to each other while going to separate toilets. With doors opened. I was very much present. They didn't wash their hands much. PARTAY HARD!

ps. You're the most bitchin' party friend, liek eva.


Blogger Natalie said...

you two! 'twas gr9 <2



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