The Calendar Hung Itself
Last round of kids coming to camp today. I have a meeting at 1300 hours. It's going to be boring, because we're only going to discuss how to open fridges in the most economical way and other non-interesting things.
My cousin Olivia brought me gifts from America yesterday - a bag of Jelly Belly Jelly beans and a can of Kraft Easy Cheese. I love that stuff. It made me want to go to the States again, and with friends (read: Martin) actually living there now, or at least soon, it might not be impossible for me to go visit. Martin's going to school somewhere in the north of New York State, which sounds rather exciting even though it will probably be pretty dead. Anyway, I have to see the Big Apple before I die, and what better time to do it than this fall?
Change of topic: I'm going back to school in September. Never thought I'd say it, but Lit Class sounds really exciting. Pretty laid-back studies, maybe they'll get me in the mood for heavier stuff next year. Because I will get in to Law School again. And again. And again. Feels pretty good. The only problem is the CSN-stuff - they want to give me money for studying, and I want to get that money, but WHY DO THEY MAKE IT SO DIFFICULT? What ever happened to hiring a professional form designer? These forms are weeeeird, and the letters are tiny, and the options are insanely limited. I'm going to be a professional form designer when I grow up, that's for sure.
Speaking of future, Malou (my camp-boss) told me about her school in Denmark. It sounds so interesting, and yet a bit too... slacker-esque for me. I don't know really, everyone I've spoken to who's gone to Kaospiloterna says it's great, and people get TV jobs everywhere, and Tony Blair's right hand is in the management and blah blah blah. Will definately check into that.
Now I need to pack. The Chef is coming to pick me up in an hour and a half. And the buttered popcorn jelly beans are disgusting, as are the cinnamon ones, and the juicy pears. Also, there's a mystery taste in my bag, which I find incredibly amusing. Anyway, you're supposed to guess which of the following options is the right one: Apple Pie, Maple Syrup, Raisin, Ice Cream Sandwich or Papaya. I really hope it's maple syrup, because it sure doesn't taste like any of the others. And I don't know what maple syrup tastes like, but I guess it's sweet. YES YOU MAY TOUCH ME, A PERSON THAT WRITES INCREDIBLY INTERESTING BLOGS. GO ME, GO ME. I HOPE I WIN THE BLOGGIES NEXT YEAR. I HAVE A FAIR SHOT, YEAH.