Okay I'm getting complexes because I think my blog isn't funny enough. Argh, I'll just have to try harder.
You know what gives me great satisfaction? Killing bubble wrap (http://fun.from.hell.pl/2003-11-24/bubblewrap.swf). Is that weird? Please say no.
Today is the dancing day! It was supposed to be meet Ylva-day too, but she dumped me and forgot to tell me. No hard feelings - this way I can chill right here, the way God intended it. It's going to be a beautiful, sunny day. I feel so melancholic! I know, not helping with the whole "let's make this a FUNNYWHOAWHOAWOW"-blog. Aarrgh.
My GOD I have weird Internet relationships. Not only talking about the romantic ones here.
My brother is having a barbecue party tonight. When I said that I wanted to invite some friends to spend the night after we went out to dance he said like "Uh... I don't know if that's a good idea." I go "What? Why not?" He says "Well... I'm inviting this chick over... And..." "OKAY SAY NO MORE. But eww, can't you stay in the basement?" Things worked out at last, but it's still strange. Ewwrgh.
Oh! My brother and is posse might be going out dancing with me and my friends later, too. Funny. And weird, again. But mostly funny.