she's losing it!

December 24, 2005

All you need is love

I need to go back to shorter paragraphs in my blog. Send a thought to all those affected by Nerd Attention Deficit Disorder. I'm one of them.

Anyway. This day started of crappily, because my parents had some kind of ugly fight last night, which made the atmosphere here very tense. Sucks. I had to get up pretty early and clean my room, and vacuum the house. That sucks too. I'm pretty much done now, though, but things kind of sucked anyway, until just a few minutes ago.

A few minutes ago, I found out that a virtual friend of mine, Stefan, had met his long-term internet crush, and that they were more in love than ever. That made me very, very happy. I'm not that close with Stefan, and I've made fun of him all the time. I mean, come on, she's from Japan and he's from Norrköping... just because he's moving to Shanghai for a year doesn't mean he'll automatically hook up with some cute Asian. But he kind of did, and after hearing about this Japanese girl for more than eight months, they're finally together. Now, if that's not cute and christmas-y, then I don't know what is. All you need is love.


Blogger Grrblt said...

you all know what I'm going to comment on in this blog, typing any more would be a waste of time and effort.

god jul på er yo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, m'dear that made me all warm and fuzzy inside ^^.

Merry Chrismukkah!


Blogger Grrblt said...

hur länge hade du tänkt tönta dig den här gången då?



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