Three or four lines
I guess I should tell cyberspace whatever happened to Ian. Yeah... So, I confronted him, on MSN of course, and said that I had a crush on him and that if he didn't feel the same, we probably should stop chatting. It was getting kind of annoying hearing about all of his ladies.
Shit happens!
Okay, so, yesterday was the IB Cabaret. I had a great time, both dancing in the opening act (even though S from the group sucked and they cut us off way too early) and as the host of the evening. My co-hosts were Frida, Vincent M and Jonathan. The IB2 play was such a success! All of the teachers that were there laughed so hard. Both Magnus and Anders Carlsson (the IB Co-ordinator, like, the IB principal) hugged me and said it was awesome afterwards. Not that I had anything to do with the actual acts of the Cabaret, but I guess I was the front person or something. Or at least a quarter of the front person. Anyway, I wore a short dress and that was interesting. I think the sound people on front row got a free peep show. Hey, I'm a generous person...
When we were leaving school, while Kajsa and I were walking down the stairs, she says: "I don't know if my boobs are jumping around more than I'm drunk!" (It made grammatical sense then.) As we turn a corner, Andes Carlsson smiles and wishes us a nice evening and I'm convinced that Kajsa died a little, or very much, on the inside.
Afterwards, we all went to UFO, by far the nastiest pub in the whole of Malmö. Well, it's good because they don't check for ID's, but since I'm 18, I don't care. However, some of the people there were like empathic (yeurgh) and conciderate so we had to be all nice to the widdle kiddies and go to UFO. Did I mention I have a VIP card from UFO? Had it since this spring. I carry it with pride.
Almost everyone from the Cabaret was there, along with some guests. Martin was there! HE'S HOME! YAY! Anyway, me and Martyna and Jasmine (one of the main organizers) started dancing on the tiny dance floor and were joined by like 20 people within a minute. I danced with everyone, even with Hampus whom I sort of hate, and with the other Hampus who is kind of cute, even though he was The Russian Federation during the Model UN last week (?), when I was the USA. I danced and danced and danced and then Anders Carlsson was dancing next to me. "Fucking shocking" as Anna Ellmark would have said to Matt McGee. Anders is great. He smokes a pipe. Funny.
Oh, some of the old IB2's came by (I like to call them IB3's) and hung out with us. Erik Wahren, the guy with the mightily curly hair, was hitting in me and like actually grabbing my ass and stuff, which was not only weird and kind of scary but also very confusing, because I was convinced he was still with his gilrfriend of like three years. Apparently not. I asked him before I left (after he'd pulled me down on top of him when I had attempted to hug him goodbye) and he said that she had broken up about two months ago. And then... then he asked if he could sleep at my place, because "I have nowhere to sleep tonigh". Uhm. I said that that would be a bad idea, since my parents probably wouldn't have been delighted. Which is true. What I didn't say was that there is no way in hell he was sleeping at my place. Because.
And, I bring to you:
Shit happens!
Okay, so, yesterday was the IB Cabaret. I had a great time, both dancing in the opening act (even though S from the group sucked and they cut us off way too early) and as the host of the evening. My co-hosts were Frida, Vincent M and Jonathan. The IB2 play was such a success! All of the teachers that were there laughed so hard. Both Magnus and Anders Carlsson (the IB Co-ordinator, like, the IB principal) hugged me and said it was awesome afterwards. Not that I had anything to do with the actual acts of the Cabaret, but I guess I was the front person or something. Or at least a quarter of the front person. Anyway, I wore a short dress and that was interesting. I think the sound people on front row got a free peep show. Hey, I'm a generous person...
When we were leaving school, while Kajsa and I were walking down the stairs, she says: "I don't know if my boobs are jumping around more than I'm drunk!" (It made grammatical sense then.) As we turn a corner, Andes Carlsson smiles and wishes us a nice evening and I'm convinced that Kajsa died a little, or very much, on the inside.
Afterwards, we all went to UFO, by far the nastiest pub in the whole of Malmö. Well, it's good because they don't check for ID's, but since I'm 18, I don't care. However, some of the people there were like empathic (yeurgh) and conciderate so we had to be all nice to the widdle kiddies and go to UFO. Did I mention I have a VIP card from UFO? Had it since this spring. I carry it with pride.
Almost everyone from the Cabaret was there, along with some guests. Martin was there! HE'S HOME! YAY! Anyway, me and Martyna and Jasmine (one of the main organizers) started dancing on the tiny dance floor and were joined by like 20 people within a minute. I danced with everyone, even with Hampus whom I sort of hate, and with the other Hampus who is kind of cute, even though he was The Russian Federation during the Model UN last week (?), when I was the USA. I danced and danced and danced and then Anders Carlsson was dancing next to me. "Fucking shocking" as Anna Ellmark would have said to Matt McGee. Anders is great. He smokes a pipe. Funny.
Oh, some of the old IB2's came by (I like to call them IB3's) and hung out with us. Erik Wahren, the guy with the mightily curly hair, was hitting in me and like actually grabbing my ass and stuff, which was not only weird and kind of scary but also very confusing, because I was convinced he was still with his gilrfriend of like three years. Apparently not. I asked him before I left (after he'd pulled me down on top of him when I had attempted to hug him goodbye) and he said that she had broken up about two months ago. And then... then he asked if he could sleep at my place, because "I have nowhere to sleep tonigh". Uhm. I said that that would be a bad idea, since my parents probably wouldn't have been delighted. Which is true. What I didn't say was that there is no way in hell he was sleeping at my place. Because.
And, I bring to you:

I look just like her when I have Kajsa's black wig on. Just like her.
ey! cabaret på ib (rim). drog du några heta josef-skämt? tex:
det snöar ute!
nä du driver med mig
zidane (okej den här fattar inte du men den är kul som fan)
nej men jag sa att the grudge 2 is subtitled - for YOUR convenience. (hihi)
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