Would've, could've, should've
Tomorrow's one month since I talked to Ian. Maybe I should stop wasting emotions on him, since I'm obviously only hurting myself. If he was being hurt too, albeit only a small blemish, I'd be delighted. But he's not. So, screw him.
Yeah. Yesterday was spent with Johanna, and this junior from our school, on which she has a crush. (Note that him being a junior makes us seniors. I can't be bothered with translating the other levels of Swedish high school, since there are only 3.) He's very nice and kind of cute (in a geeky way), and he and his friends are coming to my party in january. Oh yeah, I'm having a party. Let me know if you want to come, because I really have no idea whom I have slash have not invited. Anyway, Johanna was having a great time on her date, and all I was doing was wondering what the hell I was doing there. It was supposed to be me and her, shopping together and going for tea and a cookie, but it ended up being me and her and mr Junior and occasionally his friends. And when it was just me and her walking alone, all we did was discuss him and his behavior. Fine, it's girl talk and I love it. Ususally. Right now, I'm very much not in the mood for seing happy couples and people falling in love. Yes, it's nice, but unless it wants puke all over its face, get it out of my sight.
New year's: probably going to cute Jompa's for a party, then continuing to KB for some dancing, and then back to Jompa for an after party. And after that, there's the after-after party at Martyna's, where I'm spending the night. Unless... a better suggestion comes up. Which I will reject. Yeah, sucks to be me.
Whatever! Here's a lovely picture of Jompa in Prague. Enjoy!

Okay, so he's not very cute in this pic. But hey... pink cowboy hats aren't for everyone.
i'm cuming 2 ur party!!
cuming? or coming? there's a differece, you know
oh sorry. i'm COMING to your party. and cuming at your party? hope so!
ok :D im officially un-inviting you. find some other party to cum at!
i take that back! you're welcome to come to my party. just don't cum like... on the carpet
i can't promise anything :( I DON'T CAN'T!!!!
try! try hard! or you'll have to clean it up yourself!
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