she's losing it!

November 15, 2005

Okay, here's the deal. I like school sometimes. I like reading books and analyzing them in detail, discussing every aspect and finding 500 little, seemingly unimportant details on one page, that later turn out to be hugely infuential on the plot of the book. I like writing essays on novels, short stories, poems and plays. I like using the two languages I'm actually good at for playing with, and I enjoy building beautiful sentences. I enjoy varying my language to the point of absurdity, and I enjoy observing grammatical similarities and stylistical differences between texts. I love it when I can tell what a foreign word means just by associting it with other languages, and I love when I find that the three languages I take have some kind of similarity.

Ironically- really bad English in this entry but I'm too angry to care.

Today, there was a meeting in school with our guidance cancelor, and I started thinking seriously about studying in Lund next year. So I told my mom, and she asked me what I wanted to study. I don't know, I say, I just saw some class about English literature and some language-culture stuff and it seemed interesteing, but I'm not really sure what profession I could have after that. My mom starts dissing everything I say, claiming that I'll end up as a teacher just because there won't be anything to do. Well... duh, that's what I just said, but why would I become a teacher? No offence teachers of cyberspace, but teaching is not something I'd like to do. My mom keeps repeating this, and she's been doing this for like three years now.

No, she says, don't take a year off, you won't want to go back to school and you'll end up at "Lärarhögskolan", just to pay your bills. Don't study languages, there's nothing you can do after that except for teaching and reporting, and we've been through this before, there's no future in either. You wanted to become a journalist when you were a kid, but thank God, your Dad convinced you otherwise when you were 16. The result of this, however, is that you have no future goals whatsoever, and no aims, and no dreams, except for a vague vision of general prosperity and happiness.

Yeah. I ask my mom, come on, you have to realise that there's more I could do after language studies except for teaching and journalism! Mom says she really doesn't think so.

I think I know there's other things to do, but no matter if there are or not, languages are the only school subjects that really interest me and the only thing I could picture myself working with for the rest of my life. It's kind of dramatic, but it's my life, and I want to do something good with it. And I want it to be fun. No, I don't want to end up teaching, but I REALLY don't want to find myself halfway through some lame engineering program in three years, because I don't even like science. I don't want to be a doctor, because I don't think I have the stamina for it. I don't know what I want to do so fuck you, everyone.

I've slept three hours this night so I'm gonna cry some more now. Bye.


Blogger angelo said...

There's always this place called McDonalds hihi. Great career opportunity!


Blogger Leyla Swafe said...

as if. nat has more potential than that. natalie. don't become a bum. lots of people have to wait plenty of years before deciding what to do in the future. ur 'just' in ib2. my advice to u (which u've probably already thought about) is to study what interests you for a semester or two, and then go from there. seriously, taking one year off won't necessarily give you 'more time to think'. learn some more about the field of study that interests you. don't worry nat, like I said before, ur smart nat. ppl who think mcdonalds gives great career opportunities may want pursue a career within that field...but we both know YOU'RE not one of them, and never will be.

I wanted to be a teacher once. I don't see what ur mom has against teachers. Seriöst Natalie, universitetslektor i littertur? snacka om deep analysing. kolla simon walker. dont u wanna be a simon walker :).


Blogger Grrblt said...

angelo said...
There's always this place called McDonalds hihi. Great career opportunity!



Blogger Leyla Swafe said...

sluta nörda dig med internet uttryck som bara lowlifes kan. so tell me king of internet wisdom. vad är qft.


Blogger Grrblt said...

det betyder quoted for truth. varför är du online här men inte på riktigt din sopa


Blogger Natalie said...

i don't want to work at mcdonald's. and you know that. stop making fun of me.

and thanks, misskrueger.


Blogger Leyla Swafe said...

jag tror inte att natalie uppskattar att vi använder hennes dagbok som nat?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I should defend teachers (as I want to be one myself), but I have too much respect for your mother.

I will, however, say that misskrueger is right. You have too much potential to work at Mackie D's. In fact, you have so much potential, if you laid it out on a long line it'd stretch fifteen times around the earth.

I think you should explore the career options within your fields of interest. Pick the one that sounds the funnest and go for it. Life is to short to make decisions based upon what others think you ought to do. YOU are the one who's going to be stuck with doing whatever your choices will lead you to. So make sure it's something you like.

And if it doesn't work out for the first couple of tries, just get back to it. You are a fighter and you, if anyone, can bounce back and stand on your own two feet as strong as ever. There's a reason to why I think you'll be the most successful of my friends, y'know ;)

Also, HAVE. FUN. You're young, you're motivated, you're pretteh and talented. You have so much going for you, so just get out there and shake your boobs to the world and say: "Hey guess what? I'm fucking smart too!"

Much luff,

Ell - Dr. Phil's future apprentice.


Blogger Natalie said...

i love you, dr phell.

she DOES have a point, ya know. i really enjoy shaking my boobs.



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