Oh, it so true.

you're the conor that is bright eyes. you keep
pulling out brillant beautiful songs from your
head and they just get better. you rock the
house down on stage and are a sweet shy kid off
of it. you're the best conor to date.
which conor oberst are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
he's ugly
He's one of the best, ugly or not!
Men åmajgåd, måste man skriva på Inglisj här inne? Jag som är så kass på allt utom svenska (även om jag borde kunna spanska, engelska, arabiska och yttepytte tyska).
ah, oh, ah, comments!
/d: word up, homeboy.
jenny: man får skriva på vilket språk man vill! bra va?
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