My shoulders are frozen
It's November now. Yes, I do realize it's been November for 22 days, but nevertheless, it's November now.
November is cold. It's 15.5 degrees in my house now. I'm in bed, with thick socks, pants, a t-shirt and and a sweatshirt (my new red Malmö Borgarskola one!) on. I am also currently wrapped in a blanket and holding my feet under the cover. Sean, my lovely, faithful and portable computer is in my lap, warming the tops of my thighs. And I'm alternating between coffee and tea in huge, yellow cups. Still cold.
Cups are no good if they can't hold a lot of tea or coffee or whatever. Yes.
November is also the time for The Great Depressions. Lonely? Here, have a depression. Stressed? Have some more depression, why don't you? Sad? Have you tried these November depressions everone's talking about? You really should try one, they're extra strenght. The kind that can make Louise from my class break down and cry because she forgot to bring an eraser to class, or that can make Tina Nordström throw a fit when the tomatoes haven't been chopped into small enough pieces by her assistant before the show started. We've all had them, though we might not have realized they were November depressions. Well, I'm telling you now: they were.
Was in Lund today. Thought I'd get an idea of what I want to do after graduation. I didn't. This is what we saw:
- An information thingie about the Pol Mag program. Seemed pretty cool, with a bunch of career opportunities. And also, it's all about human sciences which suited me just fine. Lots of UN and government-esque work. I like the UN. I don't like economics though, and the major subject here is national economics.
- Another information thingie, from the Department of English. The only one in our group of four who was actually interested in language studies was me. Kajsa and Simon just came with me because they didn't have anything better to do, and Martyna was being informed about Economics. Yeurgh. The informer lady person was boring and she told us everything about the course in such rigorous detail. Oh yeah, there is no language program or anything like that at LU. You can only take separate courses in the languages you want. And if you want to take English, you have to start at this super basic level, with a lot of grammar and phonetics. That's just too easy for me. I'm thinking of going away to an English-speaking country for like six months, and taking some literature classes there. That would be fun. Seriously. I'm drooling at the thought of it. Please stop laughing. Maybe I'd go as an Au Pair. Not that I love kids, but I do love English. And going away. Yes. And making money. And spending money. And I do have the credentials, don't I? Summer camp must count for somtehing. And the IB. And me being Swedish, that's cool, right? Hello Wisconsin!
- Last, but not least, we checked out the Faculty of Law. Seemed really cool. Don't know if I have the stamina for 4.5 years of super studying, but it would be cool. Really cool. Cool. I need new words. But yeah. Law... hm. A lot of opportunities. If you have the brains. And the stamina.
Yes. I don't know if anyone cares but if you don't then I don't care about that, because I kind of need to tell myself that people read this, or I'd just stop writing. That would be one Nobel prize down the drain.
And since it's November now, it's gonna be December soon. December is the month of my 6 month anniversary with, which means my blog entries from June will start disappearing as I write new ones next month. If you want to know what I was like this summer, read some of those. I had a lot more time then, so the entries are long. Not that this one's short or anything, but those are like LONG.
Martin. I miss him. He's coming home in the beginning of December. Yay!
Extremely non-flattering pic of me and Johanna at the biology field trip in September. We look mentally challenged. Funny thing: We are.

Another set of mentally challenged friends. Love them.
försvinner bloggarna efter 6 månader? that's total wank
You have a grid!!!1 <13
And I nearly teared up at the sight of Martin. I miss that little bugger too :(
I think teh eenglish language is your kink. You should let thy lusts roam free, m'dear. And then send me monthly cash since the prospects of becoming a hobo are looking very tempting indeed. (why work when you can chill? why???)
I'm incoherent. Don'cha wish your girlfriend was just like me?
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