I really should be sleeping. But that seems to be just plain impossible tonight. So I'll listen to Weezer, Cake and Gavin DeGraw (don't hate on him). I don't know what to write about.

Ian... I don't know. It's great sometimes but then I feel like I've screwed up and everything has to stop because I'm such a nerd and then I realize that the only nerdy thing I'm doing is blowing things way out of proportion. And then I start thinking like, jaysus, I'll never manage that marriage thing because I'll never get past the first date due to above mentioned nerdyness. The next step is total denial of all things Ian-esque and then I start over again. All of this within minutes, or seconds sometimes.
No! Must stop devoting this much blog space to boys. It was supposed to be about me, this blog. Thus: today I did something very Swedish. I glued some IKEA furniture together. I'm so cool. Furthermore, I wrote my World Literature Assignment in Swedish in less than 2 hours. Don't think that's a good sign though, but hey. It's done. On time. It was actually done like three hours ago. And since then I've been trying to fall asleep. Yeah... Not great results.
Weekend was spent with friends. Friday at Ell's with her and Ylva. I miss them a lot when we don't get together for a while. And Saturday night was spent at Rasmus' place with a bunch of people from school, coo
Furthermore, I need to pee.
An internet homie of mine made those from that Halle Berry-poster one. Cool, huh?
sorry but i need to make a correction: the worst film in the world is called Starship troopers 2. btw, what resolution are those halle berry-poster-different-color-smurf-things?
like, i have no idea? and whyyy?
it's a secret! men berätta nu. det är lätt, öppna dem i paint och ta bild>attribut, där står måtten.
now there's a lot of numbers there. but 460 x 661 is one pair. and WHY?
okej det var sopiga mått. har du ingen 900x1200? eller helst 1600x1200 men det vågar jag inte ens hoppas på
öh jag ger dig inte ett skit förrän jag har en anledning.
okej då blir det inget. jag sver du skulle ha gillat det men eftersom du fånar dig så kommer du aldrig få veta vad det handlar om.
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