So. Post-camp life seems so empty and lonely and weird. Like Lecille and I said when we got back last Thursday: it's like you're used to only seeing faces you recognize. So when you see a stranger on the street, you assume in the back of your head that s/he is just a parent visiting a child or some other kind of visitor in the Village.
Oh... Malin sent me this pic of AG... I know it's psycho but you need to see it.

When she and I were talking on MSN earlier, she told me about the party where everyone had gotten sooo drunk and blah blah blah. I really wanted to come. Apparently, AG was quite tipsy and sort of up for grabs.
Aw man. But he is working next summer, at least that's what Märta had said.
I know I'm off men and all, but thinking about AG and the whole putting too much hopes into everything-issue just makes me so depressed. At first, when Malin and I were discussing how sweet and cute and funny AG is, I started thinking about how perfect he'd be. And I still think so. But then I remembered what's wrong with me, and I just lost all hope of ever being like, cured. Maybe obsessing is what I do? Maybe I'm doomed.
Maybe not. Actually, to quote U2: I know I'm not a hopeless case. I just need to know if it's going to take much longer because it's not fun anymore, being in between and neither this nor that.
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