Top 3 moments of male affirmation in my life so far (no specific order):
The guy at the Starbucks across from The Globe Theater in London gives me a lemon muffin. I was sitting between two of the hottest chicks in my school and he gave it to ME. MEMEMEMEMEME.
A handicapped man sitting in a wheelchair led by his assistant exclaims, in the lobby of the library, loud enough for everyone to hear: "What a pretty girl! I like pretty girls. Don't you like pretty girls?"
French town called Antibes, right between Cannes and Nice. I'm walking to the beach for an evening swim. Not looking very hot, if I may say so myself, but hey - I wasn't planning on getting lucky. As I walk past the marina, I spot two guys speaking American English and drinking Heineken in the sunset. Looking awfully good. As I get closer and closer, their conversation gets more and more silent, only to die out totally when I'm like 10 meters from them. I walk past them in my flipflops, shorts and t-shirt and with a towel around my neck. I think I was actually afraid they'd start laughing. HOWEVER. When I'm a few meters behind them, I hear: "Aw, that's fuckin' poetry, man." Yeah.
Oh what the heck.

My GOD it was hot today. Me and Ell were walking through town, searching for patches of shadow to walk in. It was fucking unbearable to walk in the sunshine. And tomorrow, along with next week, is going to be even warmer. Yay.
I just realized that I haven't read a single book this summer. Why? Because I promised myself I wouldn't read anything before The Great Gatsby. I'm supposed to read it for English, during the summer. Yeah. I'm bringing it to camp on Monday, hopefully I'll be so bored I'll force myself to start reading it.
Yeah! Camp on Monday! I'm weirdly excited. It's not like I love working nine to five, or that I'm happy to be away from most of my friends, but I enjoyed working there so much last year. I'll try not to have too high hopes and be disappointed. Hey, I'm always disappointed. Let the high hopes roll.
FIRST!!! omg
The story of the muffin makes me think of people hitting on the friend of the girl they really like, because they're too shy to talk to the girl they really like, and eventually they end up with the friend.
me being the friend of the girl they really like or the girl they really like? YOU BETTER GET THIS ONE RIGHT. do not steal my thunder, please.
det står att bloggen bara ska handla om dig, men man får 5 träffar om man söker på Grrblt. det betyder att du är 5% Grrblt.
Jag ska inte vara taskig, men hahahahahahahahahahah...aaaah.
ja, alla pekar och skrattar! hahahahhfjkdahjkahjkahahahah!!
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