she's losing it!

September 07, 2006


It's... It's different from high school, yes. I have to find all of my literature by my self, and since I'm taking a lit class, there's a six page booklist.

It's kind of easy too. Don't want to jinx it or anything, but I've done everything we did this week before. Like, three times. Except for this one class we had with our like... main... professor, Ann Steiner. She seems very cool.

Tomorrow I have to get up at 6 AM. That's really early. That means I have to sleep soon.

Uni's cool though. I've made some friends already and I can't wait for the parties to begin (and my state-allowance-thingie to roll into my account). Need to drink and be merry. Ciao!


Blogger Unknown said...

Du borde flytta till England sa att du kan vara med och starta klubb med mig. Har tror alla att indie ar emo. Panik!

Akta dig for CSN-spenderarbyxor, by the way. Jag har betett mig som om jag vunnit pa lotto och kopt en ny garderobs worth av klader varenda dag. Clearly I cannot be trusted with money.



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