Ian is this guy I met at a party in Gothenburg last August. He was on my mind non stop for the following three months, and a month after our second encounter (at another party in Gothenburg), countless late night MSN-sessions and a couple of phonecalls and text messages I decided to tell him this. Yeah, he didn't respond well. So I removed him from my MSN-list, without blocking him, in case he'd come around. He did, but six months later.
Now, don't tell me that's not interesting.
Ian's birthday is April 20; he's my age but graduated one year early from high school; started some education at Chalmer's technical school in Gothenburg last fall but was lazy so dropped out; is a semi-professional windsurfer; currently works in the harbor in G-town, manufacturing some kind of boats; has blond hair (my only weakness, I swear); is a pretty decent kisser; is so perfectly tall for me; lends me his jacket when I'm cold; takes good care of overly refreshed friends; is very very funny; has a good taste in music and... is extremely weird.
I've sent the infamous message log from Sunday to a couple of close and up-to-date friends for advice, and the general opinion is that he was, and perhaps is, very nervous. HAHAHA! The victory, and coolness, are both mine.
And no, I don't write about all of my [countless] flirts here. This is, after all, the goddamned internet. However, I did so with Ian. I don't know why but I hope you people appreciate it. It feels kind of good. And also, I only write about the good parts. I'm not really in the mood for writing long blogs when I've been recently dumped or anything. Not that it happens a lot or anything. Nah.
sjukaste. min första stora kärlek, med ett visst reputation om sig att vara FUCKIN SCHIZO FREAK i huvudet, satt på samma buss som jag för nån dag sen. var madly in love with honom sommaren för tre år sedan. har typ inte pratat på två år och han bjöd mig på sin student. känner igen mig i det du skriver. men tänker att i never really knew this guy alltså. var säkerligen bara så att jag fick träffa en av hans bättre personligheter just då. ja jag säger då det. the shallow attraction och the attraction-av-gammal-vana-för-att-man-vet-att-gammal-kärlek-aldrig-rostar är underskattad at times. farligt lik riktiga känslor. it won't fool me again, men good luck to you! ska read up på det gamla stoffet när jag har tid! god bless
i feel enlighted.
jazz: jag ska vara försiktig. don't you worry baby!
josefin: mhm, ett helt inlägg som faktiskt var menat bara för dig!
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