she's losing it!

May 15, 2006

I gotta testify

Okay, so. The blast from the past started talking to me last night. I hadn't blocked him from my MSN-list; just removed him. I remember when I did it in November, remembering that this way he could still talk to me, should he want to. And by that I meant that he should want to within a month or so. Not half a year later.

See, I'm actually over him. The only thing I feel when I think about him is some kind of shallow attraction, but nothing seriously emotional. I had it bad all through last fall, but I'm cured now. I just can't figure out what he wants. The fact that he even started talking to me again is absurd and shocking, yet it makes me feel so cool. I'm hot and unforgettable.

The pessimist side of me claims he only had the Sunday-night blues, based on what he said when I asked him why now, after six months. "I kind of feel bad that we never talk anymore. Or, well, I feel really sad about it, so I figured I ought to say something." Well, yeah son, but why now? Where's the logic there? I see three alternatives:

1. He's actually honest and despite some other flings, he's stuck on me. (Not very probable.)
2. He's an asshole and had the Sunday-night blues, and needed some admiration and confirmation. So he chose to say hi to someone he thought surely would provide this. Not very logical that he'd talk to ME, yet a pretty probable chain of events (50% probable)
3. He expects me to be over him by now and wants to create some kind of non-romantic relationship between us (50%)

So. I didn't want his friendship in November, and I sure as hell don't want it now. If he wants to establish some semi-romantic thing, with us hooking up from time to time... well, I don't know. He'd have to suck up to me a lot first.

That's pretty much what I want from him right now. A lot of sucking up and taking the intiative.

You're a boomerang you'll see
You will return to me

You will. You? Will. You? Will. You? Will you?



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