she's losing it!

February 06, 2006

i hate not having a computer.

at the library now. my internet addiciton is sick. i'm gonna have more than 1000 blog entries to check in three weeks, assuming that i won't be able to check them before. or that sean will come back early. tell me you'll pray tonight? for sean? and his fan?

oh who cares, maybe i'll actually get good grades now, at least for a couple of weeks? mock exams coming up.

list of scaryness of mock exams:
  1. history
  2. biology
  3. math
  4. swedish, english, french

oh. i got my tok-essay back today. better than last time, maybe i'll get at least 2 bonus points for tok and extended? pray for that too.

tok, yeah... carol, the teacher, was super super late - josefine, who was before me, had waited for 15 minutes, and that means that i'd have to wait for 30 minutes. i got a different time tomorrow in stead though, carol had to "pick up her kids". dude, at 1.30? you're supposed to work then. i hate it when teachers aren't as organised as you expect them to be. i'm just happy that the requirements for my organisation are so much smaller. what if i had to do everything on time, and always come prepared to classes? on the other hand, i won't leave 30 people "with the beard in the mailbox" if i don't do my homework, and i don't get paid to be organised. i DO get paid to come to classes though (<3>

snowy, beautiful, wet, cold malmö. slow fucking computer. i want sean back.


Blogger angelo said...

varför kommer det alltid upp en pop up när jag går in på din blog? det gör det ju aldrig annars :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angelo, det är för att du använder fel(tm) browser ;-)


Blogger angelo said...

hur vet du vad jag heter?! ehm ajuste.

jag använder firefox, har aldrig drabbats av pop ups förut. inte nu heller tydligen, det var kanske bara en temporär grej. slutet gott, allting gott.


Blogger Natalie said...

jag vill inte ha popups :S jag förknippar popups med sellout-sajter som inte respekterar sina besökare. jag respekterar er!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'tis true.

det finns en pop-up från nåt som kallar sig iLead varje gång jag kommer hit.

men jag står ut. bcuz of the power of lurf.

YAH. :]


Blogger angelo said...

mera blog åt folket



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