she's losing it!

January 20, 2006

I can't believe myself

So, I'm at home and online on a Friday night. Lame, yes, but not unusual. I find it difficult to go out and get crazy drunk at the Suburban Kids With Biblical Names gig at KB tonight, since I have -80 kr on my bank account. Oh, how I love living the poor life of a student.

I also have a shitload of shit to do, and staying home, even if I don't get anything done, means that I'll feel a bit better about it. Maybe it's my Catholic gene speaking: "Don't have fun until you're absolutely sure it's okay!". Or maybe I just know that if I were to go out tonight, I'd be hungover tomorrow, so I wouldn't be able to think properly until say, 5 PM. This, in turn, would mean that I wouldn't start doing my reading and writing until about 7 PM, and, well... I'd do it for half an hour and then download some Gilmore Girls/Desperate Housewives. (I hate not having channel 5.)

So, here I am. Nothing special about this evening, right? Wrong. I got something done tonight, schoolwise. Not much, but still. I gathered the strength to actually pick up my history notes from the bag on the floor besides my bed, double-click on the Word-icon on my desktop and start writing nice, tidy notes. I must be crazy. However, I'm guessing that a large part of this extremely unusual motivation came from the fact that I found this blog, written by a girl that went to PrIB last year. She's spending one year in the States, at this Hogwarts/OC-type school, and it seems so cool. I mean, they wear uniforms! That has been my dream for ever. School uniforms. In a non-sexual way, of course. And, well, anyway, all she did was like study and play tennis and shop. The ultimate lifestyle (if you're into tennis). And in her pictures, everyone looked so perfect and preppy and pretty. And rich. And she mentioned something about an Ivy League-college. All of these factors must have affected me in some weird way (I should know this, I'm pretty sure we did something like this when I had psychology last year), making me feel this irresistible urge to... study.


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