Weak (again)

So. Berlin was lovely - the city's beautuful, the nightlife's amazing and the people are great. I can't really compare it to Prague, even though it fits in the frames of the same concept (i.e. that of a rather cheap party spot with a rich cultural heritage). It's just different, I guess. The trip in bullet points:
- Dancing for 4 consecutive nights makes you addicted
- Power naps - all hail'em
- Absinth is really not that bad ("absinth friends!")
- East Berlin is my baby
- Die Swedische Gruppe rocked the U-Bahn
- The Berlin wall is full of love
Tuesday; the graduation games with the entire class of 2006. I was smothered in ketchup, mayo, mustard, flour, eggs and beer. And yet, I had fun.
Last night: Saw Amelie at Martin's place. Good times. I haven't ever seen the end of that movie, so now I love it even more.
Tonight: Alterna-prom! Joey and I, and maybe some other outcasts are going to Möllan to celebrate that we're boycotting the prom. Boycotting is perhaps too strong a word, but we're not going. Yeah. I bought new clothes just for this occasion, so you better understand the graveness of the alterna-prom!
On nother note: I've been a bad girl. Well... At first I was a good girl. Then I became bad. Shprt version: When I came home from Berlin this Monday I told Jailbait that I didn't think we should talk for a while. I felt that whenever we talked I always tried to get him to like me or whatever, which is useless and ridiculous, because he doesn't feel that way about me. I guess I broke up... our non-existant relationship. It was really difficult, but I had to do it because it was some kind of vicious circle - every time we talked, I tried my best to make him like me, which probably makes me extremely unlikeable, so he didn't, resulting in me trying much harder.
Short version? Hah. Anyway, I said this to him and he didn't agree or anything, but he had no choice but to comply. So, last night he started talking to me over MSN. I was so happy about it, but I know it's bad. Really bad. Anyway, he ended up calling me and we talked for an hour or so.
See? Bad girl. I was trying to get Jailbait-detoxified, and he calls me, and I pick up, and I don't hang up, and I'm even nice to him. I'm so weak. And it felt so good. Instant gratification. I'm just waiting for the hangover from the high. It's going to be nasty.
Fuck it. Here's a song for ya.
Six days 'til graduation - YAY!
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