Remember this guy? The one who who looked like a mix between Curt Cobain and a cocker spaniel? He gave me free candy today. I'm going to have an affair with a grocery store-guy, I know it. It's actually kind of good because I think it's somewhere on my To Do List: Life Edition.
Yesterday was fun until I got way too drunk and my 'rents came to pick me up. As a result, I'm super-hungover and extremely tired, sooo... depressed. Damnit! This is not the time to get all wimpy about everything. About jailbait and Ian and everyone finding their goddamned soulmate and my life circling around boys and school and the lack of school and the effect of this withdrawal. Post traumatic stress syndrome? Yes.
You might, however, ask yourself what I was doing at the grocery store. The answer is that I was buying the following:
- Three apples
- Two oranges
- A small bag of travel-sized cheeses
- Volumizing shampoo
- Shower gel (scent: "Dancing Light", I couldn't resist. The bottle is pink and glittery and SJP has promoted it)
- A loaf of bread
- A small paper bag of pistacchios
- Walnut cheese (for mom)
Curt/dog-man couldn't seem to get the barcode-thingie to work on the shower gel, so he had to call someone, like the office or whatever. And then, he had to say "dancing light" and describe the bottle. It was fun. Then he gave me some candy, but it was one of those sour pink/blue bottle thingies, which very much hurt the burns on my lips*. Oh, never mind. I wasn't wearing make up and he hit on my anyway, so: SCORE!
*burns on lips achieved during backwards-cigar smoking last night. Don't try it at home, it's very jackass. And I didn't mean to do it. You may laugh.
I swear to god. one more bad thing about bratwursts and I'll k i l l you
(ist das einen Bratwurst in deinen Pocket or are you just happy to see me?)
it's actually a combo of the two above
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