Let me kiss you

It's raining. Like, a lot. It's really cosy. Sigh. It's cool, I'll just listen to a 50+ man singing about kegs and legs and kisses and himself and daffodils or something.
Today was cool though. Kajsa and I went window shopping for graduation outfits, didn't find much. I guess white clothes are difficult to make pretty. All the dresses were depressingly boring. I have this image in my head of the perfect graduation dress, where the hell is it? Apart from my head, that is. After the non-shopping, we went to Solde, this cool coffee bar with a very cute staff. Here's one of them:

Yes, I am indeed a stalker. Anyway, this guy let me make Kajsa's cappucino for her! It was so cool. He liked my hair yesterday too, and he listens to Bright Eyes. And oh yeah, he's married.
Liv, jag förstår dig inte.
varför syr du inte upp din graduation outfit? ganz einfach
jag kan inte sy! alls! :/
åhgud, jag vet precis hur du känner dig.
graduation outfit à la tête = magnifique.
graduation outfit dans la realité = pou-pou.
om man vore snuskigt rik så skulle man shoppat i kph. kph ehr nemmleehgen teh sheet.
och tydligen är det okej att dräpa frugan om mannen i fråga är het. jag har fått medtyckande från en manlig vän.
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